This is when I am going to start to cut my pieces out individually for my custom cabinets. Now this piece will stay in my custom cabinets so I am just going to cut on each right angle of the cabinets to bring out each side of them. Then I am going to hopefully just use a chisel to try to clean it up but if not I am going to just use another one of my specialty tools that is made for this particular project. Because this method has worked for me today with this kind of wood that I am using. It’s very natural so it peels off very easily. I am just going to do the same thing down on the bottom of my custom cabinets and now that’s really going to be seen once we place the drawers down inside the custom cabinets. So I think so far we are doing good. The custom cabinets are plenty strong which is a satisfying sign. You never want your custom cabinets to be weak of course with all the money you invest financially you want to get your money’s worth and that what we’re about at our many locations and we really try to always push the limits of the quality of our workers, material, and our services we provide to the consumer which is you so let us know what kind of custom cabinets we can help you find and we’ll do the rest as far as constructional techniques.