In the previous article we ended on problem with your custom cabinets not being able to fit your microwave inside them. I bet if you go to your friend’s kitchen you’ll see several examples of that where the microwave sticks out about 4 inches. I don’t particularly like that look but you do need it to stick out a little bit for the door mechanism to work here on the hinge on the side of the microwave. So what I’m going to be doing is building these custom cabinets 15 inches deep instead of 12 inches deep that’s a great thing about custom cabinets is you can either order them and pay a lot of money or you can make or you can make them the way you want and pay a lot less. So now I’ll tell you how the frame of the custom cabinets together even though this one is already together. This frame is an eight piece frame that I put together you can see we have four styles and we have four rails. The styles are the vertical pieces and the rails are the horizontal pieces on the custom cabinets. The way I like to put my styles and rails together is I don’t like to have any end grain going except for underneath the custom cabinets where people aren’t going to really see it. So I will cut my outside right and outside left of my custom cabinets of my style from top to bottom so this is one piece from in between each rail rather than cutting down the middle of the section inside my custom cabinets.