Once you glue your box together to make one whole custom cabinets all you have to do is attach the face frame to the greater cabinets all together. But right before that you just have to route the backside of the custom cabinets. So what I will do it let the glue dry and come back and do that. After it has finished drying you can go ahead and move to the next step in building your custom cabinets. Move the face down so we can cut this rabbit along here and that will enable us to put a back in probably about an quarter inch thickness for this example but you could chose something else for your custom cabinets. What I have done is I have set up this router with a rabbeting bit and when I plunge this down we’ll make the cut around here and I’ll follow this edge and the ball bearing will limit the depth of the rabbit to the custom cabinets and I have it set slightly greater than a quarter inch so we’ll get a nice rabbit along the whole side of the custom cabinets. My brand new blade made these incisions in a very clean way across the custom cabinets. Make sure you are using a wood blade because just because it can cut through wood doesn’t mean the blade is made for it. This will prevent any chips in your wood while placing everything together for your custom cabinets to turn out nicely.