For these custom cabinets I am going to make the rail twenty-two and eleven sixteenth which is maybe a little on the wide side but being a little extra wide just means I just have to flush trim them a little more or sand them down but if I’m narrow there isn’t much you could do. I am going to make all of the other rails congruent to the initial one I cut. If you run your boards through your member of your custom cabinets on edge through a planer like I do one thing that you have to be careful of is snipe. To me it’s almost impossible to run boards to a planer of your custom cabinets. They get a little bit snipe at the end. Snipe means two things. One I’m going to make all my pieces a little bit extra long before I plan them and then second when I’m cutting to length like it was here I need to just kind of run my hands over them and make sure that I’m not going to be using the part of the custom cabinets that has a snipe because that can really make a mess especially if you try and make it joint where there’s a snipe in it. So the layout on these custom cabinets is very straightforward. The top and bottom rails are just flush with the end of the custom cabinets which makes the rest of your cabinets easier to put together.
Wolf Brand
Wolf Brand