Once we have removed our doors for our custom cabinets we’re going to want to drill another hole this door so that we have another spot for the screw and we can place these types of handles on the reverse is true as well. If it already has two holes and you want to go to just one then when we prepare our doors for our custom cabinets we will fill the bottom hole with our wood putty and then we’ll have that field and since you’re painting over, sanding, finishing, and all the other steps we’re going to go threw to go through this that won’t even be there it’ll be as if it was never in your custom cabinets. You will have one hole left for one very nice knob. Now what we want to do is remove our doors and every set of doors and hinges is a little but different so these being fairly new are inside hinges or hidden hinges. Sometimes even known as European hinges for custom cabinets. They’re adjustable and a lot of hinges that are adjustable you want to make as few changes as possible so when you go back to rehang your doors for you custom cabinets you don’t have so many adjustments to do. So we’re going to remove these two screws using my power drill and take the door to the custom cabinets off this section right here which doesn’t make any change in our hinge. We’re going to leave the custom cabinets here until the next article. We inserted a specialty custom cabinets item which was the desk that was attached to the rest of the kitchen cabinets. This is a nice modification to add to the area.
"I was very impressed with the custom cabinets they placed into my home" Kaitlin - Katy, TX
"I was very impressed with the custom cabinets they placed into my home" Kaitlin - Katy, TX