In order to make the dovetails in the sides of the drawers the cabinet maker is going to use a dovetailing jig. What the cabinet maker has done is he has place the sides of the drawers with the inside facing up inside the bottom section and the cabinet maker has got the bag in the front of the drawer for the custom cabinets to work out more efficient. I reference this group I made for organization purposes facing towards the outside of the jig which becomes the bottom of the drawer. My jig is wide and that’s why I can set all four pieces of the drawer in here to make the whole compartment one slab at one time. Then that’s when the cabinet maker will run his dovetails and shut off the router then flip everything around spin it t face the opposite side. That’s when the cabinet maker starts to do the same thing from the other side then the cabinet maker will be done. The cabinet maker will the use a router bit with a rough hollow as the bit the cabinet maker will use on the custom cabinets and that’s when the cabinet maker will center it right in the middle to keep the custom cabinets balanced so evenly match the rest of the custom cabinets. Now that the cabinet maker has finished some of the more basic steps of the custom cabinets that’s when he will get into the more complicated sections of the custom cabinets and I will go over that in following articles.