Since my cabinet maker and I have roughly put everything together now it is time to attach it all with screws. I use a step drill bit to drill pilot hole for all the screws that will be inserted to my custom cabinets and then I use caulk format screws to hold it all together. Now all I do is flip over the kitchen cabinets do the other side the same way and get ready to do the back side of the custom cabinets. I’ve got the custom cabinets sitting on its face right now getting ready to put the back on. I run a nice beautiful line of glue through the rabbit here on the deck and on the stretcher on the front. Next my cabinet maker grabs the back of the custom cabinets which is perfectly square because really the back is what squares the whole cabinet boxes up. My finishing touches to the custom cabinets is pretty much just using a rubber hammer and holding it in place while my cabinet maker bumps it in place. I won’t have my cabinet maker put the counter-top on top of the cabinets until the cabinet are placed in their place according to the measurements I made much earlier and nailed down because we want it to be lighter encase we have to move it around or do something extra to at a later time. It makes it easier for the cabinet maker to do work on it if it isn’t attached to anything.