The next step the cabinet maker is going to pursue is cutting the back braces of my custom cabinets is he is going to be cutting 45 degree angles. The reason I am cutting the 45s for my custom cabinets is because when I place it up against my curves I cut with my molder it will need to line up with the rest of the custom cabinets. On one side I am going to attach it to the custom cabinets on the other side I am going to attach it to my router. I am going to cut my 45 right where to curve on the inside starts. Now that I have my table saw set I am going to cut my two 45s for my custom cabinets. Eventually I will have to cut two more 45s on the same piece catty corner to the ones I just cut but for right now that’s okay. Now it’s time to go to my outside curve. When I do that I am going to want to take another 2”6 to cut that. The next thing I want to do is make a sample curve that makes a small template that is congruent with my curve of my custom cabinets. That way I can use that to attach it to my router off the outside. The reason why I do this is because it makes it easy to cut the other side of the puzzle piece so I know what to cut. First I draw where I am going to make the cuts. Where ever my curve ends is where I am going to put the 45s then I go ahead and cut my 45s. The next thing I do is cut another 45 in the area that is left over that is not attached to the inside curve but it will still add to my curve later on to the greater part of my custom cabinets. What it does is allows space in between for my next piece of wood that I am going to measure out and place in the missing area. That is what connects my two custom cabinets together. The staggering custom cabinets give it a appealing design and make the kitchen look tons better by that simple fix.
"Wonderful wood-work done on my custom cabinets. It was a nice addition to my kitchen and house." Nicholas - Katy, TX
"Wonderful wood-work done on my custom cabinets. It was a nice addition to my kitchen and house." Nicholas - Katy, TX