The kitchen drawers on these custom cabinets have a unique type of slider. The drawers feel like they're floating and the sliders prevent the drawer for slamming shut. This helps protect you custom cabinets while also not giving off a loud sound if the drawer gets pushed in too hard. A big misconception while purchasing the material for the kitchen cabinets is making sure to get the right kind cabinet joints. A lot of times a cabinet maker won't get the right kind needed for the specific angles the drawer or box frame needs. Another not is, the joints for the drawers are not the same as the joints for the frame. Make sure you educated yourself on what is the correct joints. You can do so by doing your research or asking one of the cabinet makers that works for us. Further more, not only do you want to make sure you receive the right drawer slides and joints but the guides to the drawers are important as well. It is essential you get guides that are complementary to one another to ensure that they are secure and will float well while retracting and extracting. This custom work was completed in Katy, TX in a day and a half. The reason why it took two days instead of one on a typically easy job is because they had to have a plumber come out after we had half of the work done so it would be simple to rough in the kitchen.