Even though prepping your custom cabinets is not one of the most fun parts of the projects it is one of the most important parts. What I am going to cover is things like filling holes and typing your custom cabinets. I am also going to give you my preference on primers and all of that kind of stuff. If you are not a pro or have not done projects like this before it’s going to be very valuable information to you to help your custom cabinets get to the next level and help them last a long time as well. If you are a pro and you already know how to prep it you might still find some helpful hints in this article that might help you might help you take your custom cabinets game to the next level and make it easier for you. I am going to call it custom cabinets furniture prep. Folk finishers advent is one of the biggest request that I get it. It saves a lot of money for people to do their custom cabinets to finish them as opposed to replacing them or trying to do something else that’s heavy construction as well. So what I have done today is I’ve chosen to come into a bathroom and show you how to prepare custom cabinets or furniture for that matter on this vanity. The very dizzy great place to start especially if you’re going to do something in your own home as your kitchen probably has a lot of custom cabinets the bathroom might be an easier start. When you are installing the wood you have to line together then grain of bamboo so that the flow of the custom cabinets blends well.