For this example, my datos are three-quarters of an eighth inch deep so this will make it trickier for my cabinet maker. So I look forward to sharing the special tricks for going about building this type of custom cabinets. What the cabinet maker does first is he measures the inside of the face frame add three-quarters of an inch then mill the rest of the pieces that way also. I start with the back side of the custom cabinets. Essentially, what I did is for the tops and bottoms of the custom cabinets I squared them up like my cabinet maker explained in a previous article and now I am ready to cut everything to final the message. Base kitchen cabinets don’t have plywood tops. What a professional cabinet maker uses are these popular stretches measuring at two and a quarter inches wide and three-quarter inches thickness. This wood sits on the tops of the custom cabinets. This gives me a good solid piece to attach counter tops to such as granite or quarts. Even your basic wood counter-tops. Before the cabinet maker assembles it the next thing he can do is bring these wood pieces over to the pocket hole machine and drill some holes. Just like with my cabinet sides the face frame will attach to the top stretchers at the deck of the custom cabinets with pocket screws. This is the most commonly used way of constructing kitchen cabinets and most cabinet makers use it.