In this read we are going to explain to you how to build joints for your kitchen custom cabinets. To make it easier and give you options I am going to give you five different methods that you can apply to the way you construct your custom cabinets. If you want to be a wood worker you have to understand there is more than one way to skin a cat. There’s a lot of different ways to join wood on this piece I have in front of me we are going to talk about five of them. One of them is mortise and another one is tenon. Two more are dowels and another is biscuits. Another two are pocket holes which is the most famous. And the last one is half lap joints. So that’s five different names of different methods to building custom cabinets. The key is with custom cabinets is just to take pride in your work. So however you decide to construct the custom cabinets just do so the best you can. You can use any of the technique to complete your custom cabinets in a way that the customer will enjoy and it has worked for me for years and I hope I can help you with some advice today. Premium kitchen custom cabinets is something that can be achieved with a little effort, tools, and some form of these steps I am going to give you. I hope today I can help you achieve perfection with you custom cabinets.