I am going to walk you through building the boxes for your custom cabinets. Right now I have my three part face frame in front of me as I can see it is going to host five total doors. There will be two doors on the far right side of my custom cabinets, two in the middle, and one on the left side of my custom cabinets that touches the wall. These custom cabinets are connected using pocket hole joinery. It’s a very simple method and it’s one of those tools I mentioned that’s a small amount of money to invest from my last article. This is the difference in building the custom cabinets yourself and having them built for you. The amount of money that it cost you’re going to have to spend more to have someone else do the custom cabinets but this way you can do them the way you want to. For the second set of custom cabinets upper section, this is going to be mounted over a stove and it’s going to have a microwave mounted underneath the custom cabinets in the upper middle section. The cabinets have two sides. Two doors on both sides and it is going to have a double door here in the middle of the custom cabinets. It’s a really good idea when you’re building your custom cabinets to make sure you have your appliances picked out in advance so that you know what their measurements are going to be for example most custom cabinets are twelve inches deep the microwaves for undermount microwaves above the stove are typically sixteen inches deep so that presents a problem that we will continue talking about in our next article on custom cabinets. Red Ceder is a very timescale that measures with this shade for the above picture of custom cabinets.
Hard Maple
Hard Maple